I'm a working mom. It hasn't always been this way. Interestingly, when I conceived of having children- get it, 'conceived'?, too funny- I imagined going right back to work after maternity leave ended. "I'm not designed for the SAHM (stay at home mom) thing" I told myself. And so, when the time came to actually start my family, I went with that belief. It worked approximately 2.2 seconds, because, as luck would have it, I was laid off just months before my first born was conceived. So then the plan became staying home with them at least until they started school. As the economy would have it, THAT lasted only slightly longer, about 3 1/2 years.
And here I am. Thankful to have a job. Thankful to have a great family. Excited to offer my take on parenting, which is a combo platter taken from "Happiest Toddler on the Block", "Parenting with Love and Logic" and a host of other sources that together serve up a healthy dose of humor, heart and help.
M1 and M2 are how I lovingly refer to my children, a 3 1/2 year old son and a 21 month old daughter. My husband gave them that moniker after one particularly difficult bedtime: Monster 1 and Monster 2. Of course, if they should ever ask, it means 'Mommy's 1st Cherub and Mommy's 2nd Cherub'. Let's not fool ourselves though, children can imitate the best of the monster crowd, no doubt about it. Which is what possessed me to add my .02 to the parenting blog universe.
I dedicate this blog space to presenting parenting challenges and offering hopefully humorous, helpful suggestions for managing those challenges. Some days will be devoted to more serious issues, and yet, finding the lighter side of said situations can often make the difference in how one addresses them.
For better or 'worse', we love our kids. We want the best for them and to get the best out of them. I sincerely hope the information found here will be part of what helps make that a daily reality.
First tidbit to ponder and to get the ball rolling comes from Albert Schweitzer. "Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing."
More on that next time!!
Happy Parenting!
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