Thursday, September 22, 2011

Following the Leader (that's YOU)!

The foundation for any relationship, whether it be with a parent or child, friend, co-worker or blogger is respect. Without respect, there is little hope for happiness. So it is with respect that I offer these insights, both light-hearted and heart-felt, and I hope it is with respect that this information is received.

Earlier I mentioned a quote from Albert Schweitzer, a theologian, philosopher, humanitarian and all around quotable guy from the old days. He said, "Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing." I found this on a blog about designing your dream life which has to do with the Law of Attraction (LOA). I'll be touching on the LOA often, as it is a key element in what drives me.

Anyway, the crux of this lesson is that everyone, not just children, learns by example. Whether you like it or not, the people you hang out with, the kids your kids hang out with, the way you handle yourself in public and at home; all are examples that influence your kids. So the first order of business in being a great parent is to make sure you're doing you're level best to be a decent human being. I know to most this seems pretty dang obvious, but it bears repeating, early and often. One cannot discount how important it is that your kids see you being the person you want your children to grow up to be.

Treating your kiddos with respect means keeping your voice level and free of sarcasm when correcting them. It means getting down to eye level to calmly explain your concerns. It is refraining from negative talk and name calling and labeling. It's treating your kids nicely. Mind you, it is not the same thing as letting them run the show. Oh no, my friend, Mommy still holds the reins. She just does it firmly and lovingly. For example: I expect my kids to use their manners- say please and thank you, cover their coughs and sneezes, say "I'm sorry" and "Excuse me" at the appropriate moments. The only way they're going to learn this stuff is to see it modeled for them by you and those around them. It's hard sometimes. Kids have a knack for driving their parents (especially Mom) bonkers, and when I'm bonkers, my manners, calm and good intentions all go right out the window. These "test" moments are when it's especially important to maintain the 'example'. How you handle yourself in when things have gone to heck in a hand-basket is watershed territory with the smalls.

So how do you handle or try to avoid those moments? Now that I've laid the groundwork of respect, I'll offer a few choice tidbits on leading by example, even in crisis.  Next time!

Happy Parenting!

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