Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Parenting at 5 am: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Hello Parenting Enthusiasts!

This morning, for the second day in a row, M1 has been waking up at 5 am. This is in spite of the fact that a) that's not how we roll and; b) his bedtime hasn't changed. I have no idea what's prompting this behavior and I'm irritated. I know it's just a phase, I know it won't last forever, and yet, I'm irked. I was going to go to the gym- I had plans, man. And now this. So, what to do?

First, try to get that kid back to sleep. This tactic worked yesterday. I refreshed his water, re-tucked him in bed, said another round of gratefuls, kisses, hugs..the works. And he went back down. Not for long, but enough that I didn't want to kill him anymore. That's something.

So when we had a repeat performance this morning, I tried it again. Dangit, no luck. He kept saying over and over that he wanted to watch Blue's Clues. When I gently reminded him it was still night-time and not good-morning time (I even pulled the curtain back to make a point--something I wouldn't be able to do in the summer at 5 am!), he just fussed and whined and made a stink. Now I am awake and peeved. I interrupt his diatribe to remind him that TV watching is not an option and if he's not tired he could go play downstairs or look at a book or whatever... as long as it's quiet and not disruptive to the rest of us. More whining, more fussing. We're at threat level orange now folks. Every minute I spend dealing with this is just that much more confirmation I am not getting back to sleep again today. This does not make me happy. I am not my best self at the moment, I'm hardly even trying to be. It's just so dang early! 

So we're at an impasse. The only thing he wants is Blue's Clues. The only thing I want is my bed. It would be so easy to cave, to give him that dang show so I can go back to sleep. AND YET I do not. That would set a precedent that I do not want. I want to turn this over to his father, and let HIM set the precedent because I know that man will cave. He is not at his best at this hour- far from it. He will give the boy what he wants. But that's not an option. I choose instead to lay it out for him. Son, I'm going back to bed. Whatever you decide to to, do it quietly. I exit the room, leave the door open, enter my room, leaving that door open as well, and go back to bed. 

Wait for it. Yes, here they come. Here come the tears. The crying. It follows me to the doorway of my boudoir. It wails, and yet, does not enter. Standing there, plaintively, wordlessly making his case through sound. I quickly explain to my now-awake husband what is in play here. He groans and rolls over. I stand my ground by lying in my bed. The crying crescendos and then he drops to the floor. Sobbing, yet quieter. Another few moments pass. Coughing, sobbing and yet less still. Finally, quiet. He is asleep. On the floor. In the hallway. The dog steps over him to come rest his head on my bed, his eyes inquiring. Just lay down and roll with it I tell him. He does. 

Miracle of miracles, M2 does not wake through all of this. All is quiet once more, a scant two minutes before my alarm is to sound, so that I can go to the gym. Screw the gym. I gingerly make my way to the clock, turning the alarm into the off position. I am done. With all of this.

For now.

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